Can Chat in Web SDK working with send file (image, docs) same as Desktop app?

I’ve integrated Zoom Web SDK with my Angular project, but I can only send the text message. So, can I do anything to that can send/receive a file (ex: image) with web sdk?

Which version?
@zoomus/websdk”: “^1.7.7”


Also, a additional question: for the meeting config “leaveUrl” => How I can ignore this? I don’t want redirect/reload to other page after end-call. Just want to show an alert for this.

Hey @manh.nguyentuan,

Currently the Web SDK does not support in meeting file transfer, or the ability to disable the leaveUrl.

Feel free to add these as feature requests here: #feature-requests


Hi @tommy thanks for the response. I’ll add to #feature-requests and your team can review that and implement it if have more peoples need.

Also, I have other problem with PiP (picture-in-picture). After joined a meeting, I need enable PiP feature for req “The video window should be constantly forced on top of any game that is open”. (We are trying to create a video call when playing a game)

At this point, I can use the Javascript on Chrome bellow:
let canvas = document.getElementById(‘sv-active-video’);
let videoWrapper = document.createElement(‘video’);
videoWrapper.muted = true;
videoWrapper.srcObject = canvas.captureStream(60);;
It’s worked, but if I minimized the browser or switch to other browser tab => The PiP is freeze until I active again the meeting tab.

So, can you please review it and suggest for me something to resolve it?

BTW, I want to ask if I can create a 1-1 meeting? I’ve read the API docs, but it’s seem can not.

Hey @manh.nguyentuan,

Please start a new topic since this question is unrelated to this topic. :slight_smile:
