Can not send message to an E2E channel

Attempting to use API from Okta Workflows (using oauth2 connection) to send message to a group or channel. I am able to send messages to indivudual users (using post to sendmessage endpoint) but when i try to send to channels or groups i get this message:

400 Bad Request, error code 5419. Can not send message to an E2E channel.

We do have advanced chat encryption enabled in our zoom environment, but this doesn’t stop sending to individual users. Help!

I have the same need (sending messages from homemade scripts to Zoom users) and the exact same issue : I’m able to send message to people, but not to channels.

$ curl -X POST -H “Content-Type: application/json” -H “Authorization: Bearer MyToken” zoom_api/v2/chat/users/me/messages -d ‘{“message”:“Test”, “to_channel”:“IdChannel”}’
{“code”:5419,“message”:“Can not send message to an E2E channel.”}

@bruce.prater Did you find a workaround ?
@devs Is there a workaround ?