Can the Zoom Meeting SDK be used to create an interviews module within my Jobs Webapp?

@devinoutfleet you came to the right place! We have a variety of SDKs / APIs for all sorts of these use cases.

Our Meetings SDK is an out-of-the-box meeting solution that can be plugged into web apps fairly easily with minimal setup. If your application grows beyond the web, we also offer our Meetings SDK in Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and Electron. All of these different SDKs can tap into the same meeting instance which is great for keeping users in your application the entire time. The Meetings SDK also works hand-in-hand with our REST APIs for creating users and scheduling meetings.

We also offer our Video SDK which utilizes the same core video infrastructure but offers a more customizable experience. The Video SDK operates differently than the Meetings SDK in that you aren’t creating meeting ids in the same traditional manner that most Zoom users have become accustomed to. Video SDK utilizes a separate set of APIs and creates sessions rather than meetings. Developers usually lean towards the Video SDK if they need a super custom interface and are ok building out features from scratch. The Meetings SDK and Video SDK can not tap into the same meeting instance.

Both of these options provide a video experience that can be completely contained to your application, but the pricing and implementation are quite different. I encourage you to spend some time in our docs to understand the differences and if you have any questions I’d be happy to answer them here.

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