Cannot access critical form to complete Zoom App evaluation

We host our documentation on intercom articles, using our conversion page URL which is different from our web app link.

Currently we cannot complete this form linked in this document that our app reviewer provided to us, which is apparently required when hosting documentation externally.

Please fix the form so we can resubmit our application.

@binoxmsp Hi! and thank you for posting here. I’m sorry that incorrect info has been blocking you so far. I am sure we can get it sorted out though!

I believe the correct link would be to this developer support form. Since there are two different domains we need to manually validate the ownership in order to accept them in the submission.

If that doesn’t get you unblocked please let me know, and if you could also let me know the name of the integration I’ll be able to look up the history and help more if you are still blocked.

Thanks for asking for help!

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