Cannot integrate Zoom Video SDK in React Native

After building the android project
Error : Cannot resolve symbol ‘ZoomVideoSDK’

About Project environment

  • React Native version : 0.64.1

    buildToolsVersion = “30.0.2”
    minSdkVersion = 21
    compileSdkVersion = 30
    targetSdkVersion = 30

** Steps we followed **
1- downloading the zoom video sdk example project of react native (react-native-zoom-video-1.3.1)
2- run yarn command inside the root directory
3- run yarn command inside the example directory
4- unzipped sdk file and copied ‘mobilertc’ folder into ./android/mobilertc
5- Opened settings.gradle and included mobilertc in the project. include ‘:mobilertc’

error: cannot find symbol
import us.zoom.sdk.ZoomVideoSDK;
symbol: class ZoomVideoSDK
location: package us.zoom.sdk

Hi @y.makhfi ,

Just to clarify, are you using the Zoom Video Android SDK? Our React Native wrapperr is to be used with our Android or iOS SDKs.

Thank you,

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I’m using React Native wrapper , and my problem is with android configuration step

is the problem solved??

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Yes , I was using MobileRtl folder from ZoomSDk example , but if you want to use VideoSDk you should use MobileRTL folder from Zoom Video SDK not ZoomSDK , this is how I solved my issue .

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