Can't crate user with custCreate

i have a Bussinies account with “Zoom United Pro-United with US/CA Unlimited”
and im not able ro create a new user with the api:
post /users

  "action": "custCreate",
  "user_info": {
    "email": "",
    "type": 2,
    "first_name": "test",
    "last_name": "testing",
    "password": "tesT1!",
    "feature": {
      "zoom_phone": true

what am i doing wrong?

This action is for our ISV partners only in order to create non-login users.

More information can be found here: Zoom User API

Let me know if that helps.

The ‘custCreate’ action does not need a password, as Max noted it is for creating non-login users only.

The format you have for the user_info would work for the autoCreate action to create a user, except you would need to have worked with Zoom to register the email domain you are using as an associated domain. You can only create users using email addresses in a domain your Zoom account owns.

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