Can't join session

I am trying to implement Video SDK to my app,after adding it to web successfully…

the React Native package has some problems, i can’t join the session.
I am using your example app for the 1.2.0 package,
joinSession should return Promise<ZoomVideoSdkSession>, but it doesn’t .

let result = await zoom.joinSession(…) // result will be undefined

zoom.joinSession(…).then(r => console.log(r)) // this will be a syntax error

i have tried to add 1.3.1 package from file, i don’t know why it’s not in npmjs,
it didn’t work, just crashing , maybe missing modules.

Thanks for reaching out Mark! The RN package on NPM is out of date, and I’m also not sure why. We also have a minor update in testing that will also need to be published, and I’m working with the team to get that going.

We are also working on overhauling docs for react native to help with the entire process. Sorry for the trouble, and be looking for a more in-depth answer once I have a better comprehensive start guide.

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