Can't sendRemoteControlEvent,

A clear and concise description of what the question is.

Which macOS Meeting SDK version?
Knowing the version can help us to identify your issue faster.

To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. A control B screen share
  2. A sendRemoteControlEvent and return success
  3. but there is nothing happen in B screen

I have get the status : ZoomSDKRemoteControlStatus_StartRemoteControllWho
I can see the shared screen, but no mouse or keyboard operation responds
Why?What additional configuration needs to be done?

- (void)sendRemoteControlEvent:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
    ZoomSDKRemoteControllerHelper* helper = [[[[ZoomSDK sharedSDK] getMeetingService] getASController] getRemoteControllerHelper];
    if(helper) {
        if([self isController])
          [helper sendRemoteControlEvent:theEvent ShareView:self.shareView];
// zoomsdkerror = 0
        NSLog(@"zoomsdkerror %u", [helper sendRemoteControlEvent:theEvent ShareView:self.shareView]);

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Device (please complete the following information):

  • Device: [e.g. Apple MacBook Pro (13-inch, M1)]
  • OS: [e.g. macOS Big Sur 11.2.1 ]

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Hi @JackX, thanks for the post.

Can you please confirm the following information:

  1. Version of the SDK
  2. Whether you are using default or custom meeting UI
  3. A list of onRemoteControlStatus callbacks you received prior to calling this method, in the order they were received
  4. The values of canRequestRemoteControl and isInRemoteControlling
  5. From which user the code you’ve shared is invoked
  6. Where you are getting the NSEvent


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