Change the host name


When I create a meeting through the API, I want to change the name of the host so my name doesn’t appear.

My json file :

‘json’ => [
“topic” => “Danse Yuga avec Faycal 2”,
“type” => 2,
“start_time” => “2020-08-08T20:30:00”,
“duration” => “30”, // 30 mins
“password” => “202020”
],“settings”=> [
“host_video”=> true,
“participant_video” => true,
“cn_meeting”=> true,
“in_meeting”=> true,
“join_before_host”=> false,
“mute_upon_entry”=> false,
“contact_name” => “Coach Faycal”,
“contact_email”=> “

The response :

Join URL: https:// us02web. zoom .us/j/89914101050?pwd=Wkprd0t2TzJ1VW9CbldpTDdQRFJwZz09
Meeting Password: 202020stdClass Object
[uuid] => YfvIfQVwRwiusRdInBwFUQ==
[id] => ***********
[host_id] => VJ1WQdIJRoGLPbLqqxk-5g
[topic] => Danse Yuga avec Faycal 2
[type] => 2
[status] => waiting
[start_time] => 2020-08-09T01:30:00Z
[duration] => 30
[timezone] => America/Chicago
[created_at] => 2020-07-06T23:42:15Z
[start_url] => https:// us02web .zoom .u s/s/89914101050?zak=eyJ6bV9za20iOiJ6bV9vMm0iLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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.GlfMYs1brRquY-gGMdEeGz3d1nUnD8bpJJoEsz4tlbQ
[join_url] =>
[password] => 202020
[h323_password] => 202020
[pstn_password] => 202020
[encrypted_password] => Wkprd0t2TzJ1VW9CbldpTDdQRFJwZz09
[settings] => stdClass Object
[host_video] =>
[participant_video] =>
[cn_meeting] =>
[in_meeting] =>
[join_before_host] =>
[mute_upon_entry] =>
[watermark] =>
[use_pmi] =>
[approval_type] => 2
[audio] => both
[auto_recording] => none
[enforce_login] =>
[enforce_login_domains] =>
[alternative_hosts] =>
[close_registration] =>
[registrants_confirmation_email] => 1
[waiting_room] => 1
[global_dial_in_countries] => Array
[0] => US

*This post has been edited to remove any meeting / webinar IDs

Hey @faycalb,

You can’t change the host name unless you edit the hosts name via the Update User endpoint.

Another solution would be using the schedule_for option on the create or update meeting API. Here are the prerequisites:

Or you can use the alternative host setting on the create or update meeting API.


Hey Tommy,

Thank you for replying to my question.

What I want to do exactly is to create meeting through the API and show the coach name. No one of them has a Zoom account.

I attached a picture of the field, I want to change when I create a meeting.

Thank you

Hey @faycalb,

You can only do this if you change the name of the user before the meeting.
