Changing meeting host, scope and master api issue

I am confused by the behaviour of master / sub accounts and the changing of hosts for a scheduled meeting.

The steps I have taken and tried:

  1. Create an admin (owner) account and link child accounts to it.
  2. Create a server to server app so I can authenticate my calls.
  3. Provided the server to server app with all necessary scopes.
  4. Child accounts have given my admin(owner) account scheduling permissions.
  5. All user’s involved are licensed
  6. I confirmed 100% that this works via the UI before I did the below (solution)

How I get to my problem:

  1. I create a meeting for one of my child accounts perfectly fine.
  2. If I patch the meeting without changing the schedule_for it also works fine.
  3. If i patch the meeting and try to change the meeting host via the schedule_for property I get an error "cannot schedule a meeting for user

How I solved the problem:
I give all my users scheduling rights of each other, everything works 100% fine. This doesn’t really make sense to me and am confused if this is intended behaviour considering they part of a master/child account relationship.

The endpoints Im using

To get my auth token

To patch the meeting*meetingId*

Hi @Shft
Thanks for reaching out to us!
Have you made sure to grant Scheduling privileges in the web portal to the users that you are trying to schedule meetings for?
Here is a support article about that