Client ID not working in replace of SdkKey

When i use SdkKey and Sdk Secret to generenate a token i can succesfuly join the meeting.
When i use Client ID and Client Secret to generenate a token the integration freeze in join meeting screen.
But after february 11 can only generate the Client ID and Client Secret. How can i solve this

you can only use Client ID and Client Secret if there is NO SdkKey and Sdk Secret in your app


client ID and client secret would require newer versions of SDK

When i create a new APP only appears the ClientID ID and Client Secret, but i can´t joint the meeting with te toke created with them.

you have created a “Meeting SDK app” ?

you could check your client id/client secret with the zoom sample app from githib

the CDN version is ready to use within a few simple steps

CDN/js/index.js:20 var CLIENT_ID = "YOUR_CLIENT_ID_OR_SDK_KEY";
CDN/js/index.js:112 ... "/meeting.html?";  // replace '/' with './'