Migrating from old SDK to new General App (Meeting SDK Web Embed)

In short, I’m working on a React that uses old Meeting SDK credentials (SDK Key and Secret) to create and join Zoom meetings.

Since the start of 2023. that type of Zoom app is deprecated (https ://developers.zoom.us/docs/meeting-sdk/auth/#generate-a-meeting-sdk-jwt). They recommend using new General app’s Client ID and Client Secret instead of old SDK key and SDK secret.
So, basically, I want to create a new Zoom Marketplace app, generate new key and secret and make use of them. But that ain’t working for me, or I’m doing something wrong.

How To Reproduce
1. Create a Zoom General App on Zoom App Marketplace and select Meeting SDK in Embed tab. I literally followed this guide (https ://developers.zoom.us/docs/meeting-sdk/create/) from official Zoom documentation.
2. Generate a JWT (signature) using Client ID and Client Secret from newly created app. I copy-pasted the method from this endpoint from [meetingsdk-auth-endpoint-sample] (https ://github.com/zoom/meetingsdk-auth-endpoint-sample/blob/33c9f3c514df3dc2d642c0930c4e8fe2b196daee/src/index.js#L29).
3. Create a ZoomClient using a JavaScript npm package @zoomus/websdk/embedded npm package.
4. Try creating a meeting or joining a meeting using @zoomus/websdk/embedded’s functions (ZoomClient.join(), ZoomClient.createInstance()…)
IMAGE: https ://ibb.co/xXjDyXk

— Error that I get by doing this:
IMAGE: https ://ibb.co/xXjDyXk

In summary, I replaced the SDK Key and SDK Secret from old Zoom app (that was created on an old colleague account that I can’t log into) with new Client ID and Client Secret from newly created General App. After that, I generate a JWT from these two (ID and Secret) and use that JWT as a signature when creating a ZoomClient using zoomus/websdk/embedded package. And it doesn’t work.

  • Is there some step that I’m missing?
  • Also, I don’t know what should I do with this column (part that needs to be filled when creating a Zoom General App):
    IMAGE: https ://ibb.co/6tNZfLJ
  • Should I download that SDK and somehow implement it into my React app?

As you can see, I’m very confused and lost. I read countless pages of documentation and tried multiple methods following GitHub samples and I feel like I didn’t learn nor accomplish anything.

I’m not allowed to include images or links in my post, so sorry for doing it this way :sweat_smile:

https ://ibb.co/gSN0nZ7

Addition: I’m using Zoom Business account.
Do I need to switch to Zoom Developer account?

And also, as I understood from additional reading of documentation, only General App - Meeting SDK is enough to enable a user to join meeting?

Hi @PhasedConnect_dev , are you copy pasting into a different app or you’re using the sample app to create your secret?

I cannot see these screenshots. Can you please re-paste the errors and confirm this is the guidance you followed?

I’m copy pasting the code into my React app that has this JWT creation method implemented (literally copy pasted from the mentioned GitHub example).

I’m sorry for the inconvenience… When I was first posting this forum post I was not allowed to post links or pictures. And I can’t edit the post for some reason too. Here are the photos:



Yes, I followed the guidance.

Solved this issue in Joining meeting with Meeting SDK (JWT created with Client ID and Secret) - 'JOIN_MEETING_FAILED' - #9 by PhasedConnect_dev