"code":2300,"message":"This API endpoint is not recognized."

Dear Zoom Support Team,

I am writing to seek assistance regarding an issue we have encountered while stress testing the Zoom API for webinar registrations. Our client is preparing for an upcoming meeting with 500 participants, and we wanted to ensure the reliability of the process.

Here is a brief overview of our testing scenario and the problem we are facing:

  1. API Endpoints Used:
  • To check if a user is already registered: https://api.zoom.us/v2/meetings/{webinarId}/registrants?next_page_token={token}
  • To register a user: https://api.zoom.us/v2/meetings/{webinarId}/registrants
  1. Testing Approach:
  • We implemented a check to see if a user is already registered before attempting to register them.
  • We conducted several experiments with different configurations:
    • Varying the number of registrations per minute (1/5/10 minutes).
    • Introducing delays between requests.
    • Attempting to register without checking if the user is already registered.
  1. Issue Encountered:
  • The API returns the following error after some point: {"code":2300,"message":"This API endpoint is not recognized."}
  • The problem seems to occur randomly after, as successful registrations vary between attempts (e.g., 77, 33, 48 users).
  1. Request for Assistance:
  • We are seeking your expertise to understand the cause of this issue and find a resolution.
  • Is there a specific rate limit or constraint that we might be hitting during our stress testing?
  1. Additional Information:
  • We used Postman for stress test
  • We have thoroughly reviewed the Zoom API documentation to ensure our implementation aligns with best practices.

Your guidance and support in resolving this matter are highly appreciated. If there are any additional details or logs you require, please let us know, and we will promptly provide them.

Thank you for your time and assistance.

@MrPatol can you provide me with some tracking Ids of the API response that may have returned this error?


Here I list the request url, error and tracking IDs.

request: https://api.zoom.us/v2/meetings/82033198652/registrants

error: org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException$NotFound: 404 Not Found: “{“code”:2300,“message”:“This API endpoint is not recognized.”}”

x-zm-zoneid in responseHeaders → VA2

examples of x-zm-trackingid in responseHeaders →

  • v=2.0;clid=us02;rid=WEB_257253cc14bb242c555afa506350f2be
  • v=2.0;clid=us02;rid=WEB_682a12df3790be09d4f1663fe8475399
  • v=2.0;clid=us02;rid=WEB_b4a09663ff9df423674715d7fde501e4


Kindly provide me updates on the request?

Thank you

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Well, Mr Lorenzo I’m not a Zoom developer I’m freelancer but I’m gonna help you out.
The reason you’re getting the error is due to using the client ID and client Secret from production, when you should be using the development one. I know you didn’t realize that the production is the one to use only when you get your app approved and on the market.
I hope this will help you, please keep me updated.
Good luck.

Thank You Ibe, actually we got the problem also on production and end-users could not enter the webinar.
However thank You for the hint, owner of the app may not have asked the approval.

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You’re welcome, good luck.