Couldn't get userId and user token

I don’t know where to get userId and user token

I tried using Rest api authentication but  REST API playground doesn’t seem to be working, so I tried the following (don’t know if the url is right or not)





with header Authorization Bearer access token


I’m using postman and it always return 

xml error page not found


I got access token from here



what I’m doing wrong,

Also, If i’m to use e-mail/password way, what if user was registered using google or Facebook, I can’t use his password then


HI Noura,

It seems that “getbyemail” option can be used only in API version1.
Seel the documentation for Zoom API v2.

The most easiest way I think to use Zoom API v2 in POSTMAN is to import the Zoom API collection from GitHub.
See the link below.

See Also:
Using Zoom APIs Version 2 with Postman

