Create a meeting API Error

API Endpoint(s) and/or Zoom API Event(s)

Through AWS Lambda, we create meetings through API calls on a daily basis.

Create a meeting using /v2/user/{zoom_user_id}/meets
Twenty-one cases had normal results in response, but four cases had the following error results.

{'code': -1, 'message': "Task java.util.concurrent.FutureTask@68f6d869[Not completed, task = java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter@13f1181b[Wrapped task = ZoomRunnable{taskName=com.saasbee.webapp.util.ThreadHelper$$Lambda$6941/0x00000007c2c966f8, execTime=0, threadPoolName='ThreadHelper', trackingId='v=2.0;clid=aw1;rid=WEB_43606953e29a3e549a2b72820c9b0e8c', threadName='null'}]] rejected from poolName:[ThreadHelper],us.zoom.commons.threadpool.ZoomThreadPoolExecutor@41948ce0[Running, pool size = 10, active threads = 10, queued tasks = 10000, completed tasks = 141188]"}

Hi @ark
Thanks for reaching out to us!
Are you still seeing this issue on your end?

Hi @elisa.zoom
Since then, the issue has not occurred. Do you know why this issue happened?

@ark I do not know why this could have happened, since I have never seen this issue before but l will ask internally to see if I can get more information

I hope you get good results.
thank you !