List all meetings include instant meeting

I’m using the route “/users/{userId}/meetings”
but not returning all meetings

Hey @raphael.paez,

That endpoint is for retrieving: live, scheduled, and upcoming meetings.

To get an instant meeting try GET /meetings/{meetingId} and pass in the meeting ID,

Or to get a list of meetings including past instant meetings, use GET /metrics/meetings

Note the type query param which defaults to live meetings. To get past meetings set ?type=past

Let me know if this helps!


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This endpoint is for retrieval: live. It is not returning the ones that are currently occurring.

Since those created by the zoom dashboard will not have the meeting ID

Hey @raphael.paez,

Meetings created via the Zoom Dashboard do have a meeting ID.

Can you give me more details about your issue? What meetings are missing?


Checking here the route / metrics / meetings
give me snapshots. Thank you very much.

Is there any meeting closing callback other than webhook?

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Happy to help @raphael.paez!

Using Zoom Webhooks is how you would get a notification when a meeting ends.

Otherwise you could call the Update Meeting Endpoint to End the Meeting and do something after the callback.
