Create meeting and share control for a specific desktop app


Here are the steps we go through:

  1. user A creates a room
  2. user B joins the room
  3. user A needs to share control of a specific desktop app - intellij IDE


What function do we need to call in zoom web SDK to request remote control for a specific desktop app? user B should request remote control for a specific desktop app - IntelliJ IDE.

Which version?

Hey @mihairaulea,

Here is the functionality of the Web SDK remote control feature:


Thanks for your answer! How about using the native SDK? Do you have a Java SDK that’s compatible with all operating systems?

Alternatively, it would be great to create the room via API and then have a hyperlink that requests either opening Zoom or installing it if it’s not present

Hey @mihairaulea,

Feel free to ask this in our #mobile-sdk and #desktop-sdk categories so the respective engineer can help. :slight_smile:

You can do this via the Create Meeting API, which returns a start_url. The start_url will open the Zoom app, or prompt the user to download it, or join via the Web Client.
