Create meeting error: REST API not enabled

Hello, i want but can not create meeting via Oauth app.

What exactly i am do:

  1. Create Oauth app in my account (5s8fburhSR2UxvcAf2zH5g)

  2. Using Client ID and Client secret successfully got access token from URL

  3. Using this access token send POST request to${userId}/meetings

Not exactly understand what need to pass in userID. Documentation said: “The user ID or email address of the user.”, so i tried pass email and account number from profile page (5000277481), but receive same error:
{ code: 200, message: ‘Account does not enabled REST API.’ }

Did not find any information/documentation about REST API enabling. What i need to do?

Thanks for reaching out to us, I am happy to help here!
Can you confirm that the email that you passed on the URL request is a user under your account?

yes, its exactly only email i logged in right now (h***
Have you tried passing “me” instead of the email address?
Also could you confirm you are the owner of the account

yes, i tried pass ‘me’, got the same error
yes, i am owner of account

Interesting, I will send you a private message and will follow up with more details

Hi. I’m having the same issue.

I can authenticate with client credentias (Server-To-Server oAuth), but when I try to create a new meeting with POST /users/:userId/meetings, the server response is:

“code”: 200,
“message”: “Account does not enabled REST API.”

I’m using the official Postman Collection.

Hi @sala_opoaula01
Thanks for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum and welcome to our community.
Have you tried using the parameter “me” as userId when you create the meeting?



I am also facing the same issue:
Below are the Request details:

HTTP Method : POST
Request Body:

“topic”:“Let’s learn Laravel”,
“type”: 2,
“start_time”: “2023-02-05T20:30:00”,
“duration”: “30”,
“password”: “123456”


“code”: 200,
“message”: “Account does not enabled REST API.”

Hi, yes i already tried to use “me” but it threw the same error

Hi @sala_opoaula01
I will send you a Direct Message to follow up

I am also having this same issue and cannot find any public fix.

Array ( [Status] => 1 [Message] => {“code”:200,“message”:“Account does not enabled REST API.”} )

Anyone have any solutions to this? I’m using OAuth Server to Server. Getting a valid token. Tried using email land user ID, same results. The account is the owner of the account with full permission. Please help.

Hi @matt12
I will send you a private message to look into this

Elisa, actually I just figured out my issue. I was using Server to Server OAuth and not authenticating my token properly. Thanks though for your quick response!

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@matt12 Happy to hear that!

Thanks @matt12, the same thing happened to me. When using a Server-To-Server application, it is necessary to make the authentication request as follows:


It is important to note that the grant_type must be account_credentials, not client_credentials.


Thanks for your input @sala_opoaula01 and for sharing this with the community