Create meeting use API with node J's and open it in mobile browser

Hi zoom developer now I develope full stack app node J’s react native expo I implemented server to server app in my node J’s and successfully created meeting but problem when I try use expo I try to use webview or browser if I have zoom app on my device it opens uses it if not I have error .Does your API support open meeting in browser?if not what is the best solution for me to use my server in creating meeting and open it from react native webview or mobile browser??

@ahmed.basha.anter ,

For API, you need to use OAuth or Server to Server OAuth App Type
For Meeting SDK, you will need to create a Meeting SDK App Type, and use the Client ID and Client Secret found in Meeting SDK App Type to authenticate your Meeting SDK.

So you emphasis that can not open zoom meeting in browser or mobile browser I need meeting SDK no way to do that but meeting SDK ??

I will be very specific in the below response as there might be some confusion on this @ahmed.basha.anter .

  1. This thread might be filed under the wrong section of Video SDK. Video SDK is a different product and is not compatible with Zoom Meeting. I’ll change it to the correct section.
  2. If you are using Server to Server OAuth app to create a meeting, you are likely creating a Zoom Meeting.
  3. Zoom Meetings created with Server to Server OAuth can be joined using the browser and Zoom Client. There is a join URL which is returned when you create a meeting in step 2. This is the Zoom Web Client. The join url typically looks like this
  4. If you want to launch the meeting from react native webview, it is highly recommended to use Web SDK instead of Zoom Web Client, as Zoom Web Client does not support webview / iframe
  5. If you want to join the meeting directly from mobile browser, you can use Zoom Web Client. But if you are using mobile browser to launch your expo app, which will join the meeting within webview, you will need Web SDK

Let me know if you need further clarification. I will be happy to explain this to you

Firstly thanks for your response and sorry I am a new user of Zoom SDK. Let me show you that my meeting request on node js
“topic”: " meeting",
“type”: 1,
“duration”: “classTime”,
“settings”: {
“host_video”: true,
“participant_video”: true,
“join_before_host”: true,
“use_pmi”: false,
“enforce_login”: false,
“allow_multi_share”: true,
“chat”: “all”,
“approval_type”: 0,
“join_from_browser”: true
and this is the response:-
uuid: ‘tttytyttyT8aw==’,
id: 82045545404,
host_id: ‘fdgsgdg5g’,
host_email: ‘’,
topic: ‘My Meeting’,
type: 1,
status: ‘waiting’,
timezone: ‘Africa/Cairo’,
created_at: ‘2023-08-28T01:21:09Z’,
start_url: ‘’,
join_url: ‘’,
password: ‘G5grrn’,
h323_password: ‘666846’,
pstn_password: ‘666846’,
encrypted_password: ‘km2PBLC38spxpP63434UbgNSM6tDx0JTpz.1’,
settings: {
host_video: true,
participant_video: true,
cn_meeting: false,
in_meeting: false,
join_before_host: false,
jbh_time: 0,
mute_upon_entry: false,
watermark: false,
use_pmi: false,
approval_type: 2,
audio: ‘voip’,
auto_recording: ‘none’,
enforce_login: false,
enforce_login_domains: ‘’,
alternative_hosts: ‘’,
alternative_host_update_polls: false,
close_registration: false,
show_share_button: true,
allow_multiple_devices: true,
registrants_confirmation_email: true,
waiting_room: false,
request_permission_to_unmute_participants: false,
registrants_email_notification: true,
meeting_authentication: false,
encryption_type: ‘enhanced_encryption’,
approved_or_denied_countries_or_regions: { enable: false },
breakout_room: { enable: false },
internal_meeting: false,
continuous_meeting_chat: { enable: false, auto_add_invited_external_users: false },
participant_focused_meeting: false,
alternative_hosts_email_notification: true,
show_join_info: true,
device_testing: false,
focus_mode: false,
enable_dedicated_group_chat: false,
private_meeting: false,
email_notification: true,
host_save_video_order: false,
sign_language_interpretation: { enable: false },
email_in_attendee_report: false
pre_schedule: false
All I need is to open this meeting in the browser without the native app found on the machine just the browser. Every time try to open start_url or join_url in the browser on both laptop and mobile gives me an error need to zoom native app to open. How can I handle this?
The second thing you may note is that some properties in the request with values are false in response like:-
-req:- “join_before_host”: true
-res:- join_before_host: false,
-req:- “approval_type”: 0,
-req:- “approval_type”: 2,

@ahmed.basha.anter ,

This question probably is not related to API or SDK.

I’ve done a screen recording, there is no issues joining this meeting from the web.
I can’t start, as I do not have your sign in.

Please make sure you are not signed in to another account on your browser already.

Thanks again for your response but in attached video I show how I trying to open meeting in browser

That is on my mobile :iphone:
May I do wrong please clear to me

@ahmed.basha.anter ,

Zoom web is not available for mobile browser.
If you want support mobile browser, you will need to use zoom meeting web sdk

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