I followed up the steps in creating custom language with keys as example below but it does not working.
var langArray = ['de-DE', 'es-ES', 'en-US', 'fr-FR', 'jp-JP', 'pt-PT','ru-RU', 'zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'myCustomLanguageCode'];
//set the userLangTemplate variable to a default language code.
var userLangTemplate = $.i18n.getAll("en-US");
//Define the userLangDict variable, you can use the language-key-value.json file to determine which keys to set the custom language for UI.
var userLangDict = Object.assign({}, userLangTemplate, {'apac.toolbar_leave': 'Leave Now', 'apac.wc_leave_meeting': '不要会议', 'apac.wc_joining_meeting': 'Join a Meeting', "apac.wc_quality": "Video Quality"});
//Set the userLangDict and custom code language in the internationalization.load method.
$.i18n.load(userLangDict, "myLangauge");