Custom UI: display video error

I’m trying to display user’s video on the screen, with maximum of 16 units in a time.
It works well with the first 5 user, but from 6th user, it becomes strange.
If user turn off the camera, the avatar of that user is displayed. But when user turn on the camera, it become to black.
The first 5 user’s video do not have this problem.

I use a List to save the id that I want to display, then display it by a loop.

private void updateView(int page){
        if (page != currentPage){
            currentRenderList.clear(); //if switch to new page, clear the list of video before update
        calculateScreenAllocation(); // arrange video unit
        updateRenderList(page); //update list of video to display
        for (int i = 0; i < renderList.size(); i++){
            MobileRTCVideoUnitRenderInfo info = getRenderInfo(i, renderList.size());
            if (info != null){
                info.is_username_visible = true;
                info.is_show_audio_off = false;
                info.is_border_visible = true;
                info.border_color = -545196360;
                if (!currentRenderList.contains(renderList.get(i))){
                    zoomViewManager.addAttendeeVideoUnit(renderList.get(i), info);
                    zoomViewManager.updateAttendeeVideoUnit(renderList.get(i), info);
        currentPage = page;

Is ZOOM android sdk limit the maximum video that I can display on the screen?
Or is there a problem in my code? Or anything else?

I’m using SDK version

Thank you for any help.

I’ve found the solution for this problem: enable gallery mode by using MobileRTCVideoUnitRenderInfo.enableGalleryMode

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