Custom ui implementation

hey i wantt to implement the custom ui in my app but documentation is not helping me and i have seen the sample app custom ui but i don’t really get it… can you please tell me the flow in how to implement it…
And in case of example 2 when I enter meeting id then it asks for password i cant find the triggering point of that dialog… I am new to android development so please help

Hi @sahilfar135, thanks for using our SDK.

Can you please clarify what specifically you are struggling with when implementing a custom meeting UI?


Basically I am quite new to Android … I don’t know how to use custom ui like whether it should be xml or I need to make ui class for
MobileRtcVideoView. I need customize the ui and put a fragment in that custom ui and do my work in fragment

Hi @sahilfar135,

Unfortunately we are not able to provide much assistance in terms of learning the Android framework’s fundamentals, as that is outside the scope of our SDKs. The official Android documentation is quite extensive and may be a good starting point. :slightly_smiling_face:

The MobileRTCVideoView class is treated the same as a “normal” Android View or Layout and can be included in your layout XML or generated programmatically at runtime.


Yeah I know that but how service will trigger it as in example2 on starting the meeting meeting activity got trigered how will the custom ui will be trigered?

Hi @sahilfar135,

When you implement a custom meeting UI, you are 100% responsible for the appearance and behavior of the UI. Choosing when to display any Activity or other UI component in your app is outside of the scope of what the SDK can handle.


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