Customize zoom meeting in iOS


Custom Zoom Meeting UI

I created the custom zoom meeting UI .I used MobileRTCCustomizedUIMeetingDelegate function for access my own view controller. It’s navigated to my view controller But zoom video is not showing in my view controller. Zoom video is working in background.

Please help me to access the zoom meeting full video view in my own view controller.

My Code,

extension ViewController : MobileRTCCustomizedUIMeetingDelegate {

func onDestroyMeetingView() {
    print("ViewController onDestroyMeetingView ")

func onInitMeetingView() {
    print("ViewController onInitMeetingView ")
    let controller:ZoomMeetingVC =
    self.storyboard!.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "ZoomMeetingVC") as!
    controller.view.frame = self.view.bounds;
    controller.didMove(toParent: self)


Hey @deemmobtest,

Thanks for using the dev forum!

Is ViewDidAppear called in your custom VC after onInitMeetingView is called?


No, In my custom VC not called ViewDidAppear in after onInitMeetingView called.

I created videoView used MobileRTCActiveVideoView, its showing the view but not presenting the video and zoom meeting controls.

I want to show the default zoom meeting UI screen below the join meeting navigation bar. Please help me to achieve this functionality.

My Code:
func onInitMeetingView() {
let controller:ZoomMeetingVC =
self.storyboard!.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: “ZoomMeetingVC”) as!
controller.view.frame = self.view.bounds;
let videoView = MobileRTCActiveVideoView.init(frame: view.bounds)

Hey @deemmobtest,

Oh I see. If you would like to use the default meeting UI, you do not need to use MobileRTCCustomizedUIMeetingDelegate or MobileRTCActiveVideoView. MobileRTCCustomizedUIMeetingDelegate and MobileRTCActiveVideoView is only for when you would like to build your own meeting UI from scratch.When using the default meeting UI, the SDK will handle presenting the view for you. There is example code for how to set up the default meeting UI in a ViewController here: GitHub - zoom/client-sdk-iOS-getting-started.


@deemmobtest would you please like to share any tutorial/guidelines about how you designed custom UI for in-meeting UI? I am following the zoom documentation and I am very confused. I have also posted my query here:

Hey @theclassroomdoor,

You should check out this thread, where I walk through the steps to building a custom UI:


1 Like

Hi Michael
I am implementing zoom customizedUI in my app. But I can not. I am facing invalid argument. Can you provide me whole code in swift.

Hi @jaminperhum3, thanks for using our SDK.

Can you please clarify exactly where you are seeing an error when using the SDK so that we can better assist?
