Custumize Meeting Toolbar

Is there any way that I can customize the Toolbar while the meeting is going on. At the moment it’s like this:

My aim is to prevent anyone from sharing the meeting details, or inviting anyone else. The Zoom dropdown in the Toolbar allows participants to see the meeting details which can be used to join the meeting.

I tried hiding the toolbar, but there are other important functions in the toolbar that can’t be hidden. Like switching the camera, and End meeting.

I’d like to know a way to prevent this from happening, either by modifying the layout or by setting the allowed number of participants in the meeting.

Hi @yogen, thanks for the post.

The meeting ID and password can be hidden through your instance of MeetingOptions used to join/start the meeting. To hide the meeting ID and passcode, you would need to set the following on your options object:

options.meeting_views_options = MeetingViewsOptions.NO_TEXT_MEETING_ID + MeetingViewsOptions.NO_TEXT_PASSWORD;

Alternatively, if these options are not sufficient for your use case, you could implement a custom meeting UI, wherein you would have complete control over the appearance of the meeting UI.


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