Deeplink from my web app to zoom app


In my Zoom app when user click on login iam redirecting user to my web app using OpenUrl Function,

in my web app once user completed Auth Stuff i want to redirect to zoom app in order to do so i see there is a deeplink which help us but iam not fully understand here’s my questions.

Lets say if i want to add a additional token param in deeplink because this token i want to get in zoom client how can i do so?

How can i append some params in deeplink and how can i get those params in zoom client ?

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@TimDave Please see our Generate App Deeplink API to deep link to the Zoom Client. We have an example of how you can use this API as part of your authorization for in the basic sample app that I created:

If you want to send user defined data into the client, you can use the action parameter of that API:

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks @MaxM for your kind response,

Ok i will try but i dont understand how can i get this action value in zoom client app like let say if i pass that payload action:“token fhfhfh” as a action parameter how can i get this action parameter value in zoom app ?

e.g. I did stuff on web app then I got a deeplink that deeplink open my zoom client app and i want to get action parameter in zoom client app

Let me know if it make sense @MaxM

@MaxM Please help with my question this is on priority :slight_smile:

Have you solved the problem?

Can’t add custom params to Zoom login deeplink directly, but here’s a workaround:

After web app login, use Zoom’s Generate App Deeplink API to create a deeplink with your token as a parameter.
Redirect user back to Zoom app using this generated deeplink.

This keeps your token secure and lets you pass additional data.

See Zoom’s API docs search for Generate App Deeplink and Mobile SDK info (for handling deeplinks in Zoom app) for more details. You’ll need a Zoom developer account to access the API docs.

Unfortunately, the Zoom client currently lacks a direct way to access parameters from the deeplink.

But you can check this -

  • Store the token in your web app’s session or local storage.
  • When the user is redirected back to your app after login, retrieve the token and pass it to the Zoom client using a different mechanism (e.g., custom event listener).