How to perform SSO login and open Zoom client through DeepLink?

Is it possible to use DeepLink instead of GenerateSSOLoginWebURL provided by SDK to perform SSO login and complete client login?

Thank you for your question, @y_wen ! I’m not certain this is supported, but I’ll confirm with the team and get back to you. Could you provide more details about why this implementation is valuable to you? Your feedback will be shared with the team as well, so any additional details about your use case would be appreciated.

@donte.zoom Thank for your response.
Background: Currently, our application uses the Zoom SDK to implement video conferencing functionality. We log in through the SDK’s methods, so users are not aware of the process. Now, we plan to use the Zoom client instead of the SDK implementation, so we hope to maintain the same user experience without requiring users to click on login, select SSO, then enter the company name. Instead, we want to use a link we provide to perform SSO login and open the Zoom client, and implement client login directly.

Here’s some research I’ve conducted:
Starting a meeting: Using the create meeting API, we can obtain a startUrl with a zak, which can be opened directly through a browser to join the meeting as a host through the Zoom client.
Joining a meeting: Using a link, we can directly launch the Zoom client.
Screen sharing: Currently, we haven’t found a way to trigger this function through a URL. We hope to support links that can directly carry a screen sharing code for screen sharing.
SSO login: If the client is not logged in, we hope to implement client login directly through SSO login via the link.

Thank you for the background information, @y_wen. It seems you are transitioning away from SDK implementation for the Zoom Client. The best place to field questions about the Zoom Client is the Zoom Community Forum. The Zoom Developer Forum is specifically for Developer tool queries. For your reference, I’m providing resources to help you get started with Single Sign-On (SSO) for the Zoom Client, which should assist you in accomplishing your goal. Additionally, I’ve included a link to the Zoom Community Forum for further reference.

Welcome to the Zoom Community

Thank you for Donte’s response.
Our company has already implemented SSO login with Zoom.
I would like to clarify two things:

  1. Does the Zoom client support returning to the client and completing the login process via a DeepLink after SSO login?
  2. Is there a DeepLink that supports wireless screen sharing?