Deleting or Disassociating a User and transferring the Cloud Recording is not working

Deleting or Disassociating a User and transferring the Cloud Recording is not working.

We are successfully able to delete or disassociate a user, but are not able to transfer the cloud recording to another Zoom User

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?

Which Endpoint/s?

Here is the python code

from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv
from time import time
import json
import jwt
import requests
import os


def generate_token():
    token = jwt.encode(
        # Create a payload of the token containing API Key & exp time
        {"iss": os.getenv('api_key'), "exp": time() + 5000},
        # Secret used to generate token signature
        # Specify the hashing alg
        # Converts token to utf-8

    return token

jwt_token = generate_token()

print(time() + 5000)

headers = {
'authorization': f"Bearer {jwt_token}",
'content-type': "application/json"

payload = {
  'action': 'disassociate',
  'transfer_recording': 'true',
  'transfer_email': '',
  'transfer_meeting': 'true'

# Request url for creating a new meeting
request = requests.delete("", headers=headers, params=payload)



With this code, I am able to delete or disassociate a Zoom User from the Account and get a 204. But the Cloud Recordings are not transferred to the transfer_email.

I am also tried this in the Zoom Sandbox:

I am able to delete or disassociate the Zoom User but not transfer the Cloud recordings.

Hey @besteman,

Is the user you are setting for the transfer_email value a user in your Zoom account?



Yes, we have tried multiple users to test it.

Hey @besteman,

Can you please email your full request url and request body to so we can debug further?


I have done this and they have confirmed that it is bug on Zoom’s side.

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Thanks for the update @besteman!

We will fix the bug as soon as we can.


Is this fixed? I’m unable to transfer recordings to another user, but the user account is getting deleted.

Hi @Sajith_Kumar_K_P,

This issue should be resolved. If you’re having trouble with this, can you share an example (request url and body) with us so that we can take a closer look?


Here I the code which I used in python using via Zoom sandbox. Using this code I was able to delete the user but the recording didn’t get transfered,

import http.client

conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")

headers = { 'authorization': "Bearer" }

conn.request("DELETE", "/v2/users/?transfer_recording=&transfer_email=&action=delete", headers=headers)

res = conn.getresponse()
data =


Hi @Sajith_Kumar_K_P,

Thank you for sharing this. In looking at your request, I can see that you’re passing an email/string for transfer_recording — however, this should be true/false:

Please make this adjustment and let me know if you’re still having issues. Thanks!

Thanks for info, Sorry I missed that.

No problem, glad I could help @Sajith_Kumar_K_P :slight_smile: