disable participant list

How to disable participants list in meeting view in ios mobile RTC zoom SDK?

@brief Show/Hide Participant button in the meeting bar.
@property (assign, nonatomic) BOOL meetingParticipantHidden;

Please use this property to hide participant button in meeting UI

I have used 

.[[[MobileRTC sharedRTC] getMeetingSettings] setMeetingParticipantHidden:YES];


but this hadn’t worked for me

@property (assign, nonatomic) BOOL meetingParticipantHidden;

not working

When did you call this interface? this interface should be called before starting/joining meeting.

When i join meeting

Now I have used it on join button before calling join meeting method but still not working

I had also tried it when i init meeting list view but it still not worked

I want to disable participant list when we swipe right 

I want to disable that swipe right for participant list


Sorry, We cannot provide hide/show Participant list with right swift, Did you try with our sample project? 

i want to hide this list Can you provide any help to disable this list ?


THis is no right swipe if  2 or more users join meeting

Sorry, we do not provide this requirement. our Zoom SDK has the same behavior as Zoom iOS app.