Do a custom UI for iOS swift

Hello, so I want to create custom UI for iOS swift, is there any sample project available?
Is there any best method to get host screen instead using user id?
Thank you

Hey @janTatang,

Thanks for using the dev forum!

We do not have an official guide for this yet, but I wrote a short tutorial for this here: I want to add a custom button in the meeting option toolbar in my zoom app in ios. I see there are provisions to hide or show the toolbar or even specific buttons. But is there any way to add a custom button in the toolbar under more in IOS? - #9 by Michael_Condon


thanks for your answer

is there any example to get Host ID or only display host screen?
because I call a MobileRTCVideoView process on onWaitingRoomStatusChange(_:) and if there’s a lot of attenders in the room it would take a long time to checking all userID to determine it’s host or not.

Thank you

is there a method from the API that is faster than doing a loop to check which user is the host ?
temporarily i do this

let userList = meetingService.getInMeetingUserList() { usersId in
      for userId in usersId {
           if meetingService.isHostUser(UInt(userId)) {
               print("UserID that is the host is \(meetingService.userInfo(byID: UInt(userId)))")

is there a more practical way?

Hey @janTatang @sigitcode,

We do not have an interface for this unfortunately, but you can listen to the callback onMeetingHostChange and store the hostID that way.


Hello @Michael_Condon

so after I follow a guide you share for ios finaly I can implement it on swift.
So there a think I want to ask.

I do a test when I input wrong room password, and I got a pop-up like in the picture

is posible to make it not display popup like on the picture when I input wrong password? I already implement MobileRTC.shared().getMeetingSettings()?.enableCustomMeeting = true

Thank you

Hey @janTatang

If you implement the onJoinMeetingInfo delegate callback in MobileRTCMeetingServiceDelegate, the popup will not appear and you can enter the required info programmatically.


thanks for your guide, it’s working

Hey @janTatang,

Awesome! Happy to hear :slight_smile:


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