Domain Verification: TXT DNS Record and Not HTML

Hello, Can you please assist me with verifying domain ownership for my current Zoom App Marketplace submission. I have added the TXT record to our DNS and do not have the option to complete the HTML file verification.


Thank you for reaching out, the new flow covers what was formerly known as manual domain validation please see here: Verify your domains

Regards, Kwaku


We originally successfully verified our domain following the instructions and flow you linked to for DNS txt record, and that was a week ago. Now we are resubmitting and it’s requiring us to verify our domain ownership again, but is now only giving us the option to verify with the HTML file, which is not possible for us. What should we do?

Hello @zachmoreno

Can you provide a Loom of what you’re referring to? The new flow described in the link above is for new apps, and I noticed it in the screenshot you sent. However, your explanation in this post refers to domain validation for legacy apps.

Another question is whether you are talking about the same or two different apps.

Regards, Kwaku