Double encoding meeting UUID not working for past meeting participants request

We are trying to develop an application to list participants for a particular Zoom meeting. We are using the get past meeting participants endpoint ( This requires meeting UUIDs which we are getting from the list meetings endpoints

When using the UUIDs received from the list meetings endpoints, the get meeting participants endpoints keep giving me a code 3001 with a message saying that meeting does not exist.

Example request to list meetings: GET /users/me/meetings
Example response:
Example request to list this meeting’s participants (WITHOUT double url encoding for uuid): GET
Example request to list this meeting’s participants (WITH double url encoding for uuid): GET

We have an account level Oauth type app.

As far as I am aware, the double url encode shouldn’t be needed in this case as it doesn’t begin with a '/'or contain ‘//’ in it. However, trying it both ways seems to produce the same error which is what confused me.

Any help is appreciated!!

Hey @akshya.qwickly,

Do these meetings by any chance have just 1 participant? (I ask because 1 participant meetings will throw this error).

Let me know—thanks,

Hi Will

Thanks for the response. This particular meeting may have had one participant, but in general I’ve received around 30 meetings from the first “list meetings” request. I’ve run the past meeting participants endpoint with all of these 30 meeting uuIDs and they are failing with the same error message for each one. And a few of those meetings would certainly have more than one participant (some could have up to 5).


Hey @akshya.qwickly,

Can you share the affected UUIDs with us at We will take a closer look.


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