Dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/MobileRTC.framework/MobileRTC

Hi While I am running  Swift sample in my iOS device .I downloaded another sample and copied MobileRTC framwork in lib folder .


Then i am getting following error. 



  Referenced from: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/ADED0C83-031B-4EE7-A17C-4EB2718BA751/MobileRTCSwiftSample.app/MobileRTCSwiftSample

  Reason: image not found

Message from debugger: Terminated due to signal 6

I followed all the above steps , but still I am getting error . Please help me .

Now I could able to run this app in my device , After adding framework in my embedded Binaries. 


hi hari:

Glad to see u find the solution. Yes, iOS SDK had switched into real Dynamic Framework.

Hi I am still facing the issue, Can someone please help.

Same issue in iOS 13.3.1 but working iOS 13.6

Hi @chathurajayanaka,

Thanks for the reply. The iOS SDK is a dynamic framework, if you are facing this issue, please have a try the following:
1). Remove the reference to the MobileRTC.framework in your project
2). Drag the MobileRTC.framework and drop it into your project
3). Or add the library in General>Frameworks,Libraries, and Embedded Content

Hope this helps. Thanks!

Hi @carson.zoom,

i need bottom tab bar show only Audio & Chat buttons. Is it possible to do that?