Embed zoom video to a web server

There seems to be a Catch 22 here for browsers that require user interaction to resume or start the AudioContext necessary for hearing audio. The issue that I’m having that illustrates this is as follows. I’m trying to embed a zoom session on my website and when I load the site on an iOS device, I’m able to see the presenter, but not able to hear them. The reason why I can’t hear them is because the AudioContext needs to be started from a user gesture. So the provided solution in this discussion is to use prefer=0, the issue with that is that it doesn’t support the un={username} parameter. When loading an iframe with prefer=0 the browser shows the “Enter username” field, which when clicking on Join, reloads the iframe and shows the same page again. So basically, the iframe embed doesn’t work if you don’t provide the un parameter and it also won’t work if you do prefer=0

Hey @osman_dmr, and @jacob,

When using prefer=1 are you following this flow which allows the user to click the options to enable audio?


@tommy we use iframe. it is my code =

<div class="iframe-container" style="overflow: hidden;">
    <iframe src="https://zoom.us/wc/6108402870/join?prefer=1&un=TWluZGF1Z2Fz" style="width:100%;height:100%" sandbox="allow-forms allow-scripts allow-same-origin" allow="microphone; camera; fullscreen"></iframe>

i think allow properties contains this permission.am i rigth?
do we need to do anything extra?
as far as i understand iframe is not very stable.
Can we integrate web sdk as html5?
I got a business plan. But I have asp.net mvc application. View sections are designed as html5. How to integrate web sdk here. Emergency help?


How can we bypass the step when the user is asked for his name ? I tried to pass the “un” encoded in base64 parameter but it seems a redirect happens before and modifies the iframe src.

Here is my code :

<div class="iframe-container" style="overflow: hidden; padding-top: 56.25%; position: relative;">
sandbox="allow-forms allow-scripts allow-same-origin" 
allow="microphone; camera; fullscreen" 
style="border: 0; height: 100%; left: 0; position: absolute; top: 0; width: 100%;"


Hey @marcom-connect,

Make sure you are using the proper url:



Hey @osman_dmr,

Yes, you can integrate the Web SDK with HTML and a JavaScript file.

See the same app here:


Thank you tommy for your previous answer.

When I go to Error - Zoom
I have no audio and I can see this message in the console :

The AudioContext was not allowed to start. It must be resumed (or created) after a user gesture on the page.

Microphone is not working even if I click “Leave Computer Audio” then “Join Audio by Computer”.

I tried your suggestion to use prefer=0, audio works again but now the user has to type his name.

Is there a solution to have both the audio and the instant meeting ?

Hi all,
we are trying to access
<iframe src="https://zoom.us/wc/{zoom-id}/join?pwd=&track_id=&jmf_code=&meeting_result=" allow="microphone;camera" sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-pointer-lock allow-scripts allow-popups allow-forms" allowFullScreenheight="500" width="500"></iframe>
But it goes to redirection loop(username join page), in latest chrome version Version 80.0.3987.149 (Official Build) (64-bit)
can you please check in priority to fix it

Hey @akshay.bandivadekar,

You need to add the following query params which will place the user into the meeting:



Hey @marcom-connect,

Please share your updated code so I can debug.



Using chrome latest stable Mac OS and Linux, with both cookies enabled and microphone settings activated :

I stopped using the Iframe because I had a redirect loop with agree ToS and login form. So this test only is about accessing the url in a tab.

  1. Host is created (rest api)
  2. Meeting is created (rest api) (with settings.join_before_host = true and settings.audio = ‘both’)
  3. I join with https://zoom.us/wc/185316539/join?prefer=1&un=TXMgSWxvbmEgV2ViZXI=
  4. First time I am redirected to a ToS agree button then I have to type my name <= Not what I expected
  5. Everytime after, I join with https://zoom.us/wc/185316539/join?prefer=1&un=TXMgSWxvbmEgV2ViZXI= I immediatly enter the meeting <= What I expected
  6. After I entered the meeting, I notice my microphone is not working even if it’s enabled in chrome for this site
  7. I try to join with https://zoom.us/wc/185316539/join?prefer=0&un=TXMgSWxvbmEgV2ViZXI= for the first time, I am redirected to a ToS agree button then I have to type my name <= Not what I expected
  8. I enter the meeting and I Join audio by computer but my microphone is not working <= Not what I expected
  9. I refresh the meeting and I Join audio by computer, this time my microphone is working the way I expected


Now its works, thanks
<iframe src="https://zoom.us/wc/{zoom-id}/join?prefer=1&un={Base64EncodedName}&pwd=&track_id=&jmf_code=&meeting_result=" allow="microphone;camera" sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-pointer-lock allow-scripts allow-popups allow-forms" allowFullScreen height="500" width="500"></iframe>

But on the latest chrome browser, there is a problem with audio Join audio by computer not work,
also meeting audio not audible. can you please check it


I tried to follow all the previous answers but none of them worked. I’m trying to embed a zoom link in my adobe portfolio. This is my zoom link https://ufl.zoom.us/j/717463126

Do you know how I can do that please?

Hey @marcom-connect,

For issues about the Zoom Web Client, please reach out to support.zoom.us as it is not apart of the Zoom API Platform.


Hey @akshay.bandivadekar,

We are getting a few reports of that. Since the Zoom Web Client is not apart of the Zoom API Platform please reach out to support.zoom.us.

Your best bet would be to use the Web SDK, which I am happy to help you with.


Hey @dina,

Please let us know what you tried, and what didn’t work.


Hey @dina,

Thanks for sharing the code. Can I ask what platform you are using to embed, browser you are seeing the issue, and what the issue is? Please share screenshots.


Hi @tommy thanks for details provided above for iframe embed. We have been able to embed and join meetings using iframe without any issue. Audio also works. Video also work. The glitch is if same webpage is opened in chrome in mobile browser, on click of start video it do tries to start video but camera does not starts. The issue does not shows if used in desktop browser. Any idea why it would happen. Regards.

Hey @dina,

Try taking the {{ and }} out from the code. That is meant to signify a template variable.


Hey @prabhakar.sharma,

Unfortunately on Mobile Browsers, the users video camera does not work.
