Embed zoom video to a web server

@Tommy - theres no error logs, it just isn’t joining once I click join after entering names. In addition I have the CCPA pop up that I cant make go away unless I click opt out. Accept doesn’t work

Just ran into this problem myself and neither embed code is working. I took the div out of the code, but now when I click ‘Join’ the button goes nowhere.

Hey @danielevy18,

Did you try the code I provided?

What is the CCPA pop up?

I suggest also trying this Join URL:

https://zoom.us/wc/{{ meetindID }}/join?prefer=1&un={{ base64Encoded Name }}


Hey @shannonpacebrinker, thanks for posting and using Zoom!

Have you tried the solution I have provided?

Please share screenshots of the issue.


Where do I grab the proper encode name, is this the same as the numbers at the end of the URL?

Hey @shannonpacebrinker,

The un query param can be any name you’d like, base 64 encoded.


I pasted in the code as follow, using a test meeting and it is now stuck on ‘joining meeting…’

iframe src=“https://zoom.us/wc/949317639/join?prefer=1&un=TWluZGF1Z2Fz” sandbox=“allow-forms allow-scripts” allow=“microphone; camera; fullscreen”

Got it! I removed the script and it now functions. Thank you!


@tommy so im using below script which seems to be working now, based on above comments you sent im assuming “un={{ base64Encoded Name }}” is to bypass the necessity to enter a username, i want require to users to put in username.

Glad to hear you got it working @shannonpacebrinker!


Hey @danielevy18,


I see, since you are using Square Space you probably don’t have the option to dynamically pass in base64 encoded usernames.

To have the user enter a username first, just leave off the un={{ base64Encoded Name }} param.


i switched into wix and its working much better it was able to bypass the necessity to enter names though i want to require users to enter names.

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Happy to hear it is working better on wix!

Use this url, it allows the users to enter their own usernames:



@tommy now im getting a “uh oh you seem like you lost your way let us help what your looking for message”

YouTube and Vimeo insert separate attribute allowfullscreen

Hey @danielevy18,

Can you share a screenshot?

Did you replace your meeting id with the meetingID ?


Hey @smls,

What are you trying to do?


If youtube and vimeo do not write allow=“fullscreen”, they write allowfullscreen, then this probably works better

Hey @smls,

I see thanks! Apprecatite the suggustion!


@tommy i think there was an error in the code which is why i got the error message, when i use the link you sent in below complete code, im having the issue of typing in the name and it not joining. Actually i type in the name and nothing at all happens