Attempts to update the end date for a meeting via the Update Meeting API are having no effect unless weekly_days is also updated in the same call.
Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?
Which Endpoint/s?
Update Meeting REST API
How To Reproduce (If applicable)
Example payloads below:
The first request represents an update where only the recurrence.end_date_time differs from the content of the existing meeting being updated. The API call is successful, but the change is not applied to the meeting, as confirmed by inspecting it in the Zoom web interface.
{"topic":"Embedded Zoom event => abcghi","type":8,"start_time":"2021-02-05T11:15:00Z","duration":"30","password":"tW78PzhBtv","recurrence":{"type":2,"repeat_interval":1,"end_date_time":"2021-11-29T11:15:00Z","weekly_days":"2,3,4,5,6"},"settings":{"audio":"both","waiting_room":1,"approval_type":1,"auto_recording":"none","allow_multiple_devices":0,"registration_type":1}}
The second request changes both the recurrence.end_date_time and recurrence.weekly_days values from those of the existing meeting. In this instance, the end_date_time change is effective.
{"topic":"Embedded Zoom event => abcghi","type":8,"start_time":"2021-02-08T11:15:00Z","duration":"30","password":"tW78PzhBtv","recurrence":{"type":2,"repeat_interval":1,"end_date_time":"2021-11-29T11:15:00Z","weekly_days":"2,3,4,5"},"settings":{"audio":"both","waiting_room":1,"approval_type":1,"auto_recording":"none","allow_multiple_devices":0,"registration_type":1}}
Screenshots (If applicable)
Additional context
I have not discovered other fields besides weekly_days that causes the end_date_time value to get updated. I have tried with the topic field instead, but the end_date_time did not get updated.
The issue seems quite similar to that described here, though not exactly the same: Bug: Meeting API “update meetings” do not update the meeting if only the meeting time is updated - API and Webhooks - Zoom Developer Forum