Ending meeting doesn't stop invite


  • We start a meeting with an api call to the endpoint POST /users/{userId}/meetings

  • We join this meeting using the component view for the Meeting SDK

  • Once joined on the SDK, we invite another user using an api call to the endpoint PATCH /live_meetings/{meetingId}/events with the method of “participant.invite”.

  • The invited user’s device then begins ringing (phone or desktop depending on where they are logged in) as seen below:


If we end the meeting using an api call to the endpoint PUT /meetings/{meetingId}/status with the action of “end”, this successfully changes the connection state to “Closed” yet doesn’t stop the invited user’s device from ringing.

If they try and accept after this, they are met with an error popup stating “invalid Meeting ID”.

Is there any way of ending the invite upon meeting cancelation?