Is there a way to force the meeting to end with API?

I created a meeting by “Create a meeting” API.

I expected the meeting to end at ‘start_time’ + ‘during’ time, but it continued (probably until 40 minited later).

Is there a way to force the meeting to end with API?

I tried to call ‘DELETE’ API during the meeting is opening, but the following message was returned.
{“code”:3002,“message”:“Unfortunately, this meeting is open and cannot be deleted.”}

Is there a way to force the meeting to end with API?

Hi @fuji,

You can end a meeting via API using this endpoint:

Hope this helps,

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Hi Will. Thank you for your advice.

I also want to know how I can embed a meeting into web page by iframe.
The current version of Web SDK supports iframe?

If exists, show me where the reference page is.

And, show me if the embeded meeting could be ended forcely by the API above; Update meeting status.

Best regards.

Hi @fuji,

The supported way to embed Zoom meetings is via our Web SDK:

Zoom does not officially support iFraming meeting URLs, APIs, or our Web SDK.

The Update Meeting status API can be used to end meetings hosted via Web SDK.


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