Error 2003 when trying to join session

After the SDK was successfully initialized, I try to join a session, but I got only error with code 2003 (“Please double check the information passed to join the Session”). I followed through the tutorial regarding JWT and authentication in video SDK and tried different payloads, but the error code remains the same.

Which Android Video SDK version?

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Initialize SDK with params enableLog = true and domain = “
  2. When SDK initialisation is finished and successful, join session with sessionName, userName and token (token generated with
  3. ZoomInstantSDKDelegate’s onSessionLeave() is called as well as onError(errorCode) with code 2003


  • Device: Tested on several devices
  • OS: Tested on Android 10 and 11

Hi @AiwNexT thanks for using our SDK.

Can you please show what the payload of your JWT looks like? Please ensure that any developer credentials are not included in this.


Hi @jon.zoom

Thanks for responding! Here is my JWT payload:

  "appKey": "xxxxxxx",
  "iat": 1623651072,
  "exp": 1623737470,
  "version": 1,
  "user_identity": "AiwNexT"

I’ve also tried adding the tokenExp param (equal to exp param’s value) but got an error with code 7 (Wrong usage of the parameters that pass to an interface)

Hi @AiwNexT,

Thanks for providing that. It looks like your payload is missing the tpc parameter. This must be set to the same value as the name of the session you are trying to join.


Hi @jon.zoom

I tried again with the tpc parameter (equal to the sessionName) in the payload, but I am still getting this error with code 2003

Hi @AiwNexT,

Thanks for the update. What is the session name you are using? Please note that it must only contain alphanumeric characters.


Hi @jon.zoom

Thank you for response! The session name I use is aiwnexttestsession
I also checked several threads here on the forum regarding the Video SDK on other platforms with similar issues. So I double checked the SDK initialization and made sure I don’t join session before the initialization is finished.
By the way, I use an empty project to test the Video SDK. Maybe it would be better if I send you the project files?

Hi @AiwNexT,

Thanks for confirming. That session name definitely should not be causing any issues. One last debugging step before we need you to send over any information: can you check if you are able to start a session using the sample app?


Hi @jon.zoom

Thank you for your response!
I changed nothing in my test project, but today it just started working. The sample project works good as well

Hi @AiwNexT,

Well that’s strange, but I’m glad to hear it’s working now! Let me know if anything changes. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi @jon.zoom

Yes, it is strange indeed. Sure, I’ll let you know if there will be any issue. Thank you!

You are very welcome! :slightly_smiling_face:

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