Error 300 > Request Body should be a valid JSON object

I’m trying to send a post to create a meeting and previously validated my json format , but my request always return an error
{“code”:300,“message”:“Request Body should be a valid JSON object.”}

I saw other topics here about this, but everything talk about the datatype of content (string/int/bool) and everything its ok in my request.

	"topic": "Deiectas super adimenda vita praefecto conveniet securius cogitari.",
	"type": 2,
	"start_time": {
		"date": "2022-07-26 14:00:00",
		"timezone_type": 1,
		"timezone": "-03:00"
	"timezone": "America\/Sao_Paulo",
	"agenda": "Urgente abrupto ferro eundem adoritur paulum. et quia languente dextera, letaliter ferire non potuit, iam districtum mucronem in proprium latus inpegit. hocque deformi genere mortis excessit e vita iustissimus rector ausus miserabiles casus levare multorum. hinc ille commotus ut iniusta perferens et indigna praefecti custodiam protectoribus mandaverat fidis. quo conperto montius tunc quaestor acer quidem sed ad lenitatem propensior, consulens in commune advocatos palatinarum primos scholarum adlocutus est mollius docens nec decere haec fieri nec prodesse addensque vocis obiurgatorio sonu quod si.",
	"duration": 60,
	"password": "12345A6",
	"settings": {
		"host_video": true,
		"join_before_host": false,
		"approval_type": 2,
		"enforce_login": false,
		"auto_recording": "cloud",
		"meeting_authentication": false

I did lot of tests using postman and nothing…

Any idea ?

perhaps the backslash is the problem, try

"timezone": "America/Sao_Paulo"


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Thanks, but not it is the cause of problem.
I did lot of tests, and finally resolve with

'start_time' => $conversacao->agendado->format(DateTime::ISO8601),
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  1. Check the request body: Ensure that you are providing a valid JSON object as the request body. The request body should be a well-formed JSON string with key-value pairs enclosed in curly braces {}. Make sure that all keys are quoted with double quotes ("") and that the values are valid JSON types (such as strings, numbers, boolean values, objects, or arrays).
  2. Validate the JSON syntax: Use a JSON validator or online JSON formatter to validate the syntax and structure of your JSON object. This will help identify any syntax errors or formatting issues that may be causing the error.
  3. Verify the content-type header: Check the Content-Type header of your request. It should be set to application/json to indicate that the request body contains JSON data. If the header is missing or set to a different value, update it accordingly.
  4. Ensure the request method and endpoint are correct: Double-check the HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.) and the endpoint URL you are using for the request. Make sure they are accurate and match the server’s expectations. The error message could also indicate that the endpoint does not support the request method you are using.
  5. Test with a valid JSON object: To verify if the issue is related to the request body or its JSON formatting, try sending a simple, valid JSON object as the request body. For example:
  "key": "value"

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the “Request Body should be a valid JSON object” error and successfully send requests with the correct JSON format to the server. If the issue persists, you may need to consult the documentation or contact the API provider for further assistance and clarification on the expected request format.

the post from timjohnson2584 is spam - generated with chatGPT
(it’s only about the one link in the text → spam backlinks)

@zoom1234 delete this spam