Error after adding sdk mobilertc & commonlib :Type a.a.a.a.a is defined multiple times

Hi, i have an android native project that can implement zoom meetings. but when i added new module to my project and want to run my project its getting error like this : Type a.a.a.a.a is defined multiple times: C:\Users\projectName\app\build\intermediates\mixed_scope_dex_archive\developmentDebug\out\69936bcbe8411412d1ec20011ad853cf86b0a9f91a79bf018f83a54f3ac4a3af_3.jar:classes.dex

Please help, i already delete .gradle file and then delete the build folder on folder app and the rebuild project but it still show error like that. please help:( Thanks

Hi @mptr.rkn, thanks for using the dev forum.

This error does not appear to be related to the Meeting SDK. We can only assist with issues directly related to our SDK.


Hi thanks for the reply and the answer.
yes, i have implement new way to add commonlib and mobilertc with .aar extension.
now i have add commonlib.aar and mobilertc.arr. but when build the app it show error like this

and this is my project structure after add mobilertc.aar and commonlib.aar

Im use the latest SDK version which is zoom-sdk-android-
please give me help how to resolve this error.
i have using this configuration

android {
    compileSdkVersion 31

    defaultConfig {
        minSdkVersion 28
        targetSdkVersion 31
        testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"
        multiDexEnabled true
        vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true

Hi @mptr.rkn,

Thanks for the additional information. The errors in your screenshot do not appear to be related to the SDK. I would recommend seeking help from a general developer community such as StackOverflow. :slightly_smiling_face:

That being said, it doesn’t look like you are adding the SDK to your project in the recommended way. I don’t think this will resolve the build issues you are seeing, but it’s still worth changing. The easiest way to integrate the SDK into your project is to copy the mobilertc and commonlib folders into your project and add the module dependencies to your app’s build.gradle with implement project(':mobilertc') & implement project(':commonlib').


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