Error with Batch Registrants - Empty Array

Batch Registrants api sends an empty array as a response

POST Request

We have a business plus plan with Zoom. I’m sending a POST Request to Zoom via the endpoint mentioned above. The request is being sent and a response is also being received with Status Code 201. However, the expected response should be an array named registrants with values like join_url, registrant_id, etc. Instead, I just receive an empty array registrants []. Why is this happening? I need the registrant_id to update the zoomId value for my User database. Below is the code:

const registration = await request.fetch(`${meetingId}/batch_registrants`, {
            method: 'POST',
            headers: {
                'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + zoomAuth.body.access_token
            body: JSON.stringify({
                auto_approve: true,
                registrants_confirmation_email: true,
                registrants: [
                	{email:, first_name: 'Alex', last_name: 'Wilson'},
                    {email:, first_name: 'Charles', last_name: 'Jones'},
                    {email:, first_name: 'Amy', last_name: 'Watson'}

        console.log('ZOOM REGISTRATION RESPONSE', registration)

Response is

  "registrants": [ 
    { "join_url": link1, "registrant_id": 23443 }, 
    { "join_url": link2, "registrant_id": 23444 }, 
    { "join_url": link3, "registrant_id": 23445 } 

Response is

  "registrants": [] 