errorCode = 300 message = "Api key and secret are required."

While using Rest API “”. getting error:
error = {
code = 300;
message = “Api key and secret are required.”;

Request Param for API :
{“api_key”: “hRJiOsC-Swm_BqGmBIxV4w”, “data_type”: “JSON”, “api_secret”: “930qZd2qDb6UptAGxXfhAyNoBl5oXtV1pnY5”, “email”: “<email_id>”, “login_type”: 100}

I am using above API with IOS(swift) to fetch user detail. Below are my code:

import Foundation

typealias ZoomAuthResponse = (_ status: Bool, _ error: Int) -> Void
typealias ZoomUserResponse = (_ status: Bool, _ user : ZoomUser?, _ error: Int) -> Void

let kZoomSDKAppKey = “fzdxp0KDUdXjnz8LrnqVzeR109vY1926VvO4”
let kZoomSDKAppSecret = “RjKE6YFpgeJT3aBIBuv5ZSspATJCMafbWLmH”
let kZoomSDKDomain = “
let kZoomADKAPIkey = “hRJiOsC-Swm_BqGmBIxV4w”
let kZoomADKAPISecretkey = “930qZd2qDb6UptAGxXfhAyNoBl5oXtV1pnY5”

struct ZoomNetworkConstants {
let getUserByemail = “

struct userRequestKeys {
let email = “email”
let type = “login_type”
let apiKey = “api_key”
let apiSecret = “api_secret”
let dataType = “data_type”


// MARK:- Login / Session Information
struct ZoomUser {
private struct JSONKeys { //
let userid = “id”
let email = “email”
let firstName = “first_name”
let lastName = “last_name”
let picUrl = “pic_url”
let type = “type”
let meetNumber = “pmi”
let token = “token”

let timeZone = “timezone”
let createdAt = “created_at”
let lastClientVersion = “lastClientVersion”
let lastLoginTime = “lastLoginTime”
var userFirstName: String?
var userLastName: String?
var email: String?
var userZoomId: String?
var userTocken: String?
var userMeetNumber: Int?
var userParticipantID: String?
var userWebinarToken: String?
var userType: Int?

init() {
userFirstName = “”
userLastName = “”
userZoomId = “”
email = “”
userTocken = “”
userMeetNumber = 0
userParticipantID = “”
userWebinarToken = “”
userType = -1

init(json : [String : Any]) {
userFirstName = json[JSONKeys().firstName] as? String ?? “”
userLastName = json[JSONKeys().lastName] as? String ?? “”
userZoomId = json[JSONKeys().userid] as? String ?? “”
userTocken = json[JSONKeys().token] as? String ?? “”
userMeetNumber = json[JSONKeys().meetNumber] as? Int ?? 0
userParticipantID = “”
userWebinarToken = “”
userType = json[JSONKeys().type] as? Int ?? -1

class ZoomAuth: NSObject {

fileprivate var complitionHandler : ZoomAuthResponse?

var user : ZoomUser? = ZoomUser()
static let shared = ZoomAuth()
fileprivate var email: String?
func getZoomAuthService() -> MobileRTCAuthService? {
let authService = MobileRTC.shared().getAuthService()
MobileRTC.shared().mobileRTCDomain = kZoomSDKDomain
authService?.delegate = self
return authService

func sdkAuth(completionHandler: @escaping ZoomAuthResponse) {
let authService = MobileRTC.shared().getAuthService()
self.complitionHandler = completionHandler
if authService != nil {
authService?.clientKey = kZoomSDKAppKey
authService?.clientSecret = kZoomSDKAppSecret
} else {
complitionHandler?(false, Int(MobileRTCAuthError_Unknown.rawValue))

func zoomLogin(email:String, password:String, completionHandler: @escaping ZoomAuthResponse) {
let authService = MobileRTC.shared().getAuthService() = email
authService?.delegate = self
self.complitionHandler = completionHandler
if authService != nil {
authService?.login(withEmail: email, password: password)
} else {
complitionHandler?(false, Int(MobileRTCAuthError_Unknown.rawValue))

func fetchLoginUserDetail(email: String, type:Int, completionHandler: @escaping ZoomUserResponse) {
do {
let request = NSMutableURLRequest(url: URL(string: ZoomNetworkConstants().getUserByemail)!)

let session = URLSession.shared
request.httpMethod = “POST”

//Note : Add the corresponding “Content-Type” and “Accept” header. In this example I had used the application/json.
request.addValue(“application/json”, forHTTPHeaderField: “Content-Type”)
request.addValue(“application/json”, forHTTPHeaderField: “Accept”)

let parameters = [ZoomNetworkConstants.userRequestKeys().apiKey: kZoomADKAPIkey, ZoomNetworkConstants.userRequestKeys().apiSecret: kZoomADKAPISecretkey, ZoomNetworkConstants.userRequestKeys().dataType: “JSON”, ZoomNetworkConstants.userRequestKeys().email: email, ZoomNetworkConstants.userRequestKeys().type: MobileRTCUserType_ZoomUser.rawValue] as [String : Any]
request.httpBody = try parameters, options: )

let task = session.dataTask(with: request as URLRequest) { data, response, error in
guard data != nil else {
print(“no data found: (error ?? “” as! Error)”)

do {
if let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data!, options: ) as? NSDictionary {
print(“Response: (json)”)
let user = ZoomUser(json: (json as? [String : Any] ?? String : Any))
completionHandler(true, user, 0)
} else {
let jsonStr = NSString(data: data!, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)// No error thrown, but not NSDictionary
print(“Error could not parse JSON: (jsonStr ?? “”)”)
completionHandler(false, nil, 1)
} catch let parseError {
print(parseError)// Log the error thrown by JSONObjectWithData
let jsonStr = NSString(data: data!, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)
print(“Error could not parse JSON: ‘(jsonStr ?? “”)’”)
completionHandler(false, nil, 1)


} catch let erorr {


extension ZoomAuth : MobileRTCAuthDelegate {

func onMobileRTCAuthReturn(_ returnValue: MobileRTCAuthError) {
let status = ((returnValue == MobileRTCAuthError_Success) ? true : false)
self.complitionHandler?(status, Int(returnValue.rawValue))

func onMobileRTCLoginReturn(_ returnValue: Int) {
var loginStatus = ((returnValue == 0) ? true : false)
if loginStatus {
self.fetchLoginUserDetail(email: ?? “”, type: 100 , completionHandler: { (status, user, error) in
loginStatus = ((error == 0) ? true : false)
self.user = user
self.complitionHandler?(status, error)
} else {
self.complitionHandler?(loginStatus, returnValue)

Hi Nilesh,

after you changed to running on main thread, did it solve the issue?

No, This issue is still occurs even I move my code on main thread.

Hi Nilesh,

please check again on how you pass API key and secret to query params.



I cross check all params. Please find below request Params:

{“api_key”: “VfswOhRjTfiW5EESVkmaOQ”, “data_type”: “JSON”, “api_secret”: “f6xttFzp2MLbivkHKaxujmgJ3o1iJpr5M0Oj”, “email”: “<email_id>”, “login_type”: 100}


As per zoom team suggestion :

pass the parameters as below:

It works for me.

Marking as solved.


Zoom Error 300 is happening while users are trying to confirm their Email address. Therefore, you need to sign up using a different way to avoid this issue.

You need to follow the below step-by-step instructions to fix the Zoom Error Code 300:

Open the Zoom App or Web Portal.
Open the Sign in Option.
Click & Open Forgot Password option.
Enter your Email id.
It will send the Password reset link to your Email id.
Open the Email.
Click on the reset link.
Enter & confirm the new password.
Open the Zoom app again.
Go to the Sign in.
Enter your Email and Password and Sign in.
It will definitely fix the Zoom Error Code 300 and you can easily sign up and sign in.
If you are experiencing any other problems regarding the Zoom App, you can comment and contact us in the comment section below. We will definitely try to resolve your issue.

This may help you,
Rachel Gomez

Hi, @rachelgomez161999,

Are still seeing the same behavior when trying to confirm an Email address?