Fail to join the meeting

hi @tommy i have a error when i try to join a meeting
i use npm sdk v 1.8.3
here is my code

{ console.log('meetConfig',this.meetConfig) ZoomMtg.join({ meetingNumber: this.meetConfig.meetingNumber, userName: this.meetConfig.username, signature: signature, apiKey: this.meetConfig.apiKey, userEmail: this.meetConfig.mettingEmail, passWord: this.meetConfig.password, success: (res) => { // eslint-disable-next-line console.log("join meeting success",res); }, error: (res) => { // eslint-disable-next-line console.log('errorResualt',res); } }); }, error: (res) => { // eslint-disable-next-line console.log('main reason',res); } }); ----------!>

Hey @shehab_xc,

Are you able to provide the error in the browser console as well as the Web SDK signature that you’re using for a test meeting that is exhibiting this issue?


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Hi @MaxM Thank u for respond
but i don’t get it i was create this meeting by jwt token
how will be a test meeting ?

Hey @shehab_xc,

Thank you for the update and my apologies for being unclear. When joining a meeting with the Web SDK, it requires that you generate a signature. Please provide the signature that you’re using as well as any relevant errors that you see in the browser console.

Let me know if you have any questions.


hi @MaxM
the signature generated successfully
i’ll provide my console page

Hey @shehab_xc,

Thank you for providing additional information. As it looks like you’re getting an error in regard to the SSL certificate of that site, you can try to clear your cache to see if that resolves the issue. If not, I was able to find a historical forum post where it looks like this issue was present in older versions. What version of the Web SDK are you using? Do the issues persist on the latest version (1.8.3)?


Hi @MaxM Thanks for your respond
i tried to use v 1.7.10 but get another issue in load preLoadWasm and prepareJssdk and
i found the reason , the reason is i use vue js witch i load every routs in my app in only one route , so i back to v 1.8.3 but when i don’t use ZoomMtg.setZoomJSLib i got the same issue witch i can not load successfully but when i use ZoomMtg.setZoomJSLib(‘’, ‘/av’)
i got nothing in response
so now i want load preLoadWasm and prepareJssdk and i can not use sdk as cdn loader

Hi @MaxM i fix load sdk successfully but steal i got same issue Fail to join the meeting.

Hey @shehab_xc,

Can you please share your Web SDK Signature for a test meeting to with the issue so we can debug?


hi @tommy i been try to solve this error
and i surrender
i steal got no response form wc/ping

this my signature

Hey @shehab_xc,

Thank you for providing more information. One thing I noticed is that the API Key used in that request does not match the length or format of a typical API Key. Where are you copying that API Key from? I would make sure that you are copying the API Key from the JWT app that you created.

Let me know if that helps.


@MaxM Thank u for respond <3
ok this my apii key

Hey @shehab_xc,

Thank you for providing additional information. It looks like you provided a complete JWT token whereas, with the Web SDK, you’ll want to use just the API Key from your JWT app. In the image below, this means that you would be copying directly from the API Key field there and using that for the Web SDK.

I hope that helps!


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