Fetch all user's emails using admin credentials

I am trying to fetch other users mailbox using https://api.zoom.us/v2/emails/mailboxes/<zmail_id>/messages.

I am using a Server-to-server application’s access token. And I observed that to access a user’s email messages I have to use access token of that user’s app.

But how can I get all user’s mails from using a master/admin user’s credentials?

Hi @nilesh1
Thanks for reaching out to us!
Are you getting any error when calling this endpoint. using a Server to Server Oauth token? or what are you getting back in your response?

Hi @elisa.zoom,

I am getting 403 with message -
“code”: 750020,
“message”: “Open API Gateway Rewrite Error, Please Config Field Mapping”

Scenario: when giving zmail id of User B(Admin) and using access token of User A (Account owner).

Hi @nilesh1
Sorry for the late reply here!
I was able to replicate this issue on my end and this is intended!
You can only retrieve mailboxes using a User level app