Fetching list of participants in meeting.ended event hook

I created an OAuth app and installed it with the Test locally setting (for development). I enabled webhooks to get the meeting.ended event. It does not give me the list of participants of the meeting, so, I intend to make an API call ( /past_meetings/{meetingUUID}/participants) to get the details.

What authentication mechanism can I use? I can’t use user token because there’s no user here, it’s a webhook. Using client_credentials gave me ‘Invalid api key or secret.’. Client Credentials is only for chatbot API.

Can anyone please help with the way forward?

Hey @asattar.md,

You can either use a JWT Token, or an OAuth access token.


Hi @tommy,

I can’t use JWT token because my app is an OAuth app?

I also can’t use OAuth access token because this is a webhook? Which user’s access token can I use?

Hey @asattar.md,

With an OAuth or JWT app, you can have webhooks, just enable event subscriptions on the Features page.

If you are using OAuth, here is how to get an access token so you can call the APIs:

If you are using JWT, here is how to get a JWT token so you can call the APIs:


That is not what I am asking. I created an OAuth app. Users can already login. I have already enabled webhooks. I am already receiving webhooks.

My question is in the webhook handler, if I want to make an API Call to Zoom, what authentication mechanism can I use?

Since mine is a OAuth app, I can’t use JWT token. Now since there is no user involved here, I can’t get an access token. What can I do in this place?

Hey @asattar.md,

Upon user install of your OAuth app, you need to get an access token for that user and then you can call the API on their behalf.
