Accessing a list of participants

I’m trying to find the simplest way to get a list of meeting participants. The end result would be a python script, but for the purposes of this example, we can use a simple cURL CLI command.

$ curl{meetingId}/participants -X GET -d api_key={api_key} -d api_secret={api_secret}
{"code":124,"message":"Invalid access token."}

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?

Which Endpoint/s?{meetingId}/participants

Additional context

Scopes: dashboard_meetings:read:admin
Prerequisites: Business or a higher plan.

I was able to get an api_key and api_secret from a Business account, but I’m unable to authorize the app in the Test Request.

“You cannot authorize the app
This app cannot be installed outside of the developer’s account. Please contact the application developer to get support with installing this application.”

Did I miss any steps?
Can someone please provide a sample command to make this work?
Is it possible to get around the additional authentication steps for a simple CLI tool?
Can you access data for meetings created by other accounts (if you have the MeetingId/Password)?

Hey @bb-guitar,

If you are using the OAuth flow, make sure to follow this guide to call the APIs:

That being said, the simplest way to call the Zoom APIs is with a JWT Token.


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Thanks for responding, Tommy! I’m not seeing an option to add the dashboard_meetings:read:admin scope with a JWT App. Is that possible?

Hey @bb-guitar,

JWT Apps actually do not have scopes, they can just call most of our endpoints, including the dashboard ones.

"Authorization": "Bearer JWT_TOKEN_HERE"


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