Get all recordings from a recurrent meeting

Hi! I`m trying to get all the meeting for a recurrent meeting but as a response i got only the meetings one month old.
But the response shows:

"from": "2020-09-20",
"to": "2020-10-20",
"page_count": 1,
"page_size": 30,

Hey @montesdeoca,

Great question, happy to clarify.

To that end, I should note that the max data range for the List Recordings endpoint is a 1-month timeframe:

If you need recordings for more than a 1 month period, this will require separate/additional requests, month by month.

I hope this helps to clarify!

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Thank you very much!!! @will.zoom Thas was the solution, Im going to request for different time laps!

Glad I could help, @montesdeoca! :slight_smile:

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