Get Channel Members list & information via JWT token

Is it possible to get information (like emailID) about the members of a channel by using the JWT app token? At present, only the OAuth tokens belonging to users that are a part of that channel have access to that information. We need this to figure out the members of a channelId sent in the webhook that is triggered when a message is sent in that channel.

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?
OAuth : user-level

Which Endpoint/s?

Screenshots (If applicable)
While using JWT to access the channel members endpoint :

Hi @abhishek_s.chaudhary,

Good question—at this time, our Chat Channels APIs do not support JWT. You will need to use OAuth if you wish to hit these endpoints.

If you’re so inclined, you might consider posting a feature request for this additional authentication method here: #feature-requests


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