Get chat messages reports does not include "edited messages" when included in parameters

In using the endpoint for reportchatmessages, and specifying a session that includes edited messages in the date range specified and providing the query parameter include_fields=edited_messages,deleted_messages or include_fields=edited_messages, there is no “edited_messages” section in the response.

The “edited_messages” section is missing in the response, not matching the documentation.

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?

Which Endpoint/s?

How To Reproduce (If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
  1. Response includes messages and deleted_messages, but not edited_messages.

Hi @JonathanGolad

Thank you for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum, I am happy to help here!
Can you please share with me the response body you are getting, that will help me debug further (you can delete or format any private information you don’t want to share)


Here’s the response:

    "from": "2021-10-01",
    "to": "2021-10-20",
    "messages": [
            "id": "D544106F-D37D-4D5D-9424-E5DEC506615C",
            "message": "How spicy?",
            "sender": "shannon.nicola@xyz",
            "timestamp": 1633380714183,
            "date_time": "2021-10-04T20:51:54Z"
            "id": "3F38BC7E-21CF-476A-86EC-8ACDBB083132",
            "message": "That spicy?",
            "sender": "shannon.nicola@xyz",
            "timestamp": 1633454840557,
            "date_time": "2021-10-05T17:27:20Z"
            "id": "8EC85696-B577-4F75-8D20-A502A9C3ABA5",
            "message": "Shannon Nicola has sent you an image",
            "sender": "shannon.nicola@xyz",
            "timestamp": 1633454842843,
            "date_time": "2021-10-05T17:27:22Z"
            "id": "5A33C2FA-9D4A-4E60-A41D-BA07F619CB68",
            "message": "Or like this?",
            "sender": "shannon.nicola@xyz",
            "timestamp": 1633454856419,
            "date_time": "2021-10-05T17:27:36Z"
            "id": "ECD92720-F76A-4CEA-BDED-F7CD87190EA7",
            "message": "Shannon Nicola has sent you a file",
            "sender": "shannon.nicola@xyz",
            "timestamp": 1633454857273,
            "date_time": "2021-10-05T17:27:37Z"
            "id": "1B9444EC-6640-42ED-B78E-142C42BFB622",
            "message": "Shannon Nicola has sent you an audio",
            "sender": "shannon.nicola@xyz",
            "timestamp": 1633454862881,
            "date_time": "2021-10-05T17:27:42Z"
            "id": "97710D90-302A-4192-804B-64301FA1D774",
            "message": "Shannon Nicola has sent you a code snippet",
            "sender": "shannon.nicola@xyz",
            "timestamp": 1633454894079,
            "date_time": "2021-10-05T17:28:14Z"
            "id": "3BB4FBA4-8DD2-444F-AE59-9D9BA089F078",
            "message": "What’s this about?",
            "sender": "jonathan@xyz",
            "timestamp": 1633455426702,
            "date_time": "2021-10-05T17:37:06Z",
            "reply_main_message_id": "ECD92720-F76A-4CEA-BDED-F7CD87190EA7",
            "reply_main_message_timestamp": 1633454857273
            "id": "93CC30E6-A57F-4A32-A104-99E2511B2C77",
            "message": "Reply to audio",
            "sender": "jonathan@xyz",
            "timestamp": 1633455436308,
            "date_time": "2021-10-05T17:37:16Z",
            "reply_main_message_id": "1B9444EC-6640-42ED-B78E-142C42BFB622",
            "reply_main_message_timestamp": 1633454862881
            "id": "AD8E4F5F-67F6-4908-8DFC-365AB169F93C",
            "message": "haha",
            "sender": "jonathan@xyz",
            "timestamp": 1633456183732,
            "date_time": "2021-10-05T17:49:43Z",
            "reply_main_message_id": "1B9444EC-6640-42ED-B78E-142C42BFB622",
            "reply_main_message_timestamp": 1633454862881
            "id": "C50DC3C9-4D41-4801-9428-E28600BA09F2",
            "message": "😁",
            "sender": "jonathan@xyz",
            "timestamp": 1633456429412,
            "date_time": "2021-10-05T17:53:49Z"
            "id": "4DDD7113-D0BC-4A63-AA24-4DB41828383F",
            "message": "Hey Shannon, how’s it going?",
            "sender": "jonathan@xyz",
            "timestamp": 1634752426422,
            "date_time": "2021-10-20T17:53:46Z"
    "page_size": 30,
    "next_page_token": "",
    "deleted_messages": [
            "id": "4C6DAC95-E9F8-4882-9579-484B3B1A570A",
            "message": "Here we go/ belay that order a",
            "sender": "jonathan@xyz",
            "timestamp": 1633456375380,
            "date_time": "2021-10-05T17:52:55Z"

Hi @JonathanGolad

Thank you so much for sharing this with me. I am still looking for more information about this.
I will come back to you with an update shortly


Hi @JonathanGolad

Can you please open a ticket with us here and include a link to this thread as well as your account ID and email. Also include the response you shared here as well as the full request.

If possible, screenshot of the edited messages with the timestamps

This will help us debug further

Thank you, @elisa.zoom. I’ve submitted the ticket.


Hey @JonathanGolad,

Thank you! We’ll follow up with you there.
