Get crash in Android sdk 30

in android11, Api 30. ReactNative gets crash.
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: couldn’t find DSO to load: caused by: dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol “__cxa_bad_typeid” referenced by “/data/app/~~z3OHitOzn8U3X2UOPvoDlA==/com.tczxlivepad-XQNhtGLFn3ag1yxc9cMoLw==/lib/x86/”

Which Client Android SDK version?

Hi @powerguan, thanks for the post.

That crash does not appear to be related to the SDK based on the stack trace. Additionally, we do not explicitly support React Native at this time, and will not be able to assist unless an issue is also present in a native Android implementation.


@jon.zoom we have done further experiment and found: sdk 5.0.24437.0708 has no this issue; from sdk 5.2.41727.0928 this issue appeared.

Hi @powerguan,

Thanks for the additional info. Have you been able to reproduce this in a native app, or is it only present with React Native? If it is not reproducible in a native app, we will not be able to assist as we do not support React Native at this time.


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